Sweet Potato & Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Somewhere between here and there I've lost my mind. How do I know this you ask? Because, I made homemade dog treats for our dog Henry who I only kinda-sorta-maybe just a little bit like.  Henry's birthday is on New Year's Eve so in addition to the holiday festivities, the kids also like to do a little something special to celebrate.  We usually get him a few presents and have some cupcakes for ourselves. However, this year the kids wanted to make him a homemade treat.  We tossed around the idea of a cake, but thought it would go to waste since there wouldn't be other furry friends in attendance, so we settled on these dog treats. Henry did love these treats, but I'm not sure that says a lot seeing as he lives on a steady diet of socks, paper towels and Popsicle sticks.

There are countless dog treat recipes on the internet but this one matched the ingredients I had on hand.  Actually, the original recipe called for pumpkin, but I substituted sweet potatoes and added a little honey too.  This recipe does use wheat flour, so if your dog has wheat allergies, you may can use rice flour instead.

16 oz can of cut sweet potatoes drained and mashed
2 1/2 cups of wheat flour
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon of honey
2 Tablespoons of peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon of salt

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Mix together mashed sweet potatoes, wheat flour, eggs, honey, peanut butter, cinnamon and salt. Work the dough with your hands until firm. If you have a stand mixer using the dough hook attachment will make this step easier. 
  • Add water or flour to the dough as needed to help make the dough workable.  It should have the consistency of Play-Dough.
  • Roll the dough with a rolling pin on a floured surface about a 1/4 inch thick and cut with cookie cutters.
  • Place on baking sheet and bake in preheated 350 degree oven for about 25 minutes or until hard.  Cooking times will vary on the thickness and size of your treats.
  • Store in a airtight container for 1 week or freeze up to 6 months.

24 to 36 treats depending on the size and thickness of the treats.

A Broken Oven Tip
If you're insane like me and want to frost the dog treats mix 2 Tablespoons of wheat or rice flour with 8 oz. of cream cheese. Spread or pipe onto treats as desired. Store frosted treats in refrigerator up to one week.


  1. I'm heading into the kitchen! I have everything needed. Thank you.

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